
Saturday, 23 July 2016


So, while my house might be an absolute tip! (a combination of it being too hot to clean and me being lazy) i´m taking up a couple of new hobbies while I have six weeks off work (The perks of being a teacher)

As you will have seen if you follow me on Twitter I started doing a 30 day yoga challenge. Days 1-4 shakey start but I was proud of my achievements, then day 5 NO! There is no way in hell I could do anything the girl was doing and I started to think, hmm, maybe this isn´t for beginners...

So I searched yoga for beginners on YouTube and it came up with this video I highly recommend it if you´re thinking about starting some yoga practice. Adriene explains everything really well and I felt I was actually doing the same as her and that my body was actually in line as i´ve never felt before (this is the third time i´ve "started" to take up yoga)

I could do with some tips though, if anyone has any idea how to stop your hands slipping while doing downwards dog... or do I have overly sweaty hands?! Please tell me other people have this problem!

My other new "hobby" well it isn´t really a hobby, is, i´m learning French. I surprised myself (and everyone else) at how quickly I learnt Spanish so I decided to give French a go, I know i´m not going to be as fluente in French as I am in Spanish because I don´t live in a French speaking country but my sister in law is French so when I get to the point where I can speak I can practice with her.

I´m using Duolingo which is great, because you can do as little or as much as you like a day and you can use your computer or your phone, and it´s FREE!! And who doesn´t love a freebie?!

And now that i´ve done an hour of French practice and 20 minutes of Yoga, I suppose I should get on with cleaning the house right? Or maybe I´ll wait for Mr Millennial to buy me the new Dyson that I am dying for (I´m definitely old!) which I think will be sometime around the 10th of never...

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Melting Pot

Madrid has turned into an inferno!

I´m sitting here writing this in my pants and a vest top, swigging back water like it´s going out of fashion, dreading the fact that tomorrow I have to go to work, wearing a uniform! Trousers and a polo shirt is hell in summer in Madrid!

Just two more weeks... Two more weeks of work then I have six weeks off. Which sounds amazing and to be honest in England it was but last year we spent one week in England, (Nice and cool) one week in Portugal (Nice and cool) and I spent four weeks dying and sweaty in a house which seems to be hotter than outside, and no air con, only a fan to blow the hot air around.

This week we´ll have to abandon the upstairs of our loft and decamp to the living room, sleeping (trying to sleep) on a blow up bed with the balcony door open and a bowl of ice placed infront of aforementioned fan to ty to cool the place to below 700degrees!

For all of you who are thinking of leaving the UK for somewhere with a bit of sun, THINK, and I mean seriously THINK about it before you take the plunge. We Brits are not cut out for two months of 40degree heat!