I used to be a big fan of Twitter, long before I discovered Instagram and Pinterest, my main go to´s were Facebook and Twitter. Then, I don´t really know what happened, I got bored or forgot my password or something but I stopped Tweeting and kind of forgot all about it.
Until today! Well let me tell you first of all that i´ve suffered a bout of Karma and i´m sick. Karma why? Karma, because I was making jokes last week about how Spanish people always say you can´t go out when it´s cold or you´ll catch a cold and get a fever and be really sick, and every time you mention that you have a headache or you cough in the vicinity of a Spanish person they will more than likely hand you a thermometer!
Well this for me is very funny, as someone who has never taken her temperature... probably ever before, and being from the North of England I don´t really believe that going out in the cold is going to make you sick, but here I am, after my lovely weekend away with a stinking cold which I suspect is sinusitis as my head has been killing me all day too, not great when you have a class full of three year olds to deal with, and no, today i´m not laughing at people asking me if I have a fever! (Which I don´t by the way, no such luck, back to work tomorrow!)
Anyway, so I thought, in a moment of feeling sorry for myself and needing a distraction, that it would be a good idea to start a Twitter account, so you can find me over there too @millennialhwife That is if i´m not too out of touch and people do still Tweet...
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