
Monday, 25 April 2016

Adulting is Hard

Remember being a kid and thinking how nice it must be to never have to go to school, to be able to stay at home all day watching Sesame Street and eating biscuits (because that´s of course what all adults do isn´t it?) or going out to work, which seemed really cool, where you could have an office with a big swively chair and a computer for doing lots of important writing.

You could drink coffee from a styrofoam cup and wear smart clothes, you could have control of the TV remote and the power to send people to bed.

Ah yes! Being an adult must be amazing!

Until you are one...

Work sucks almost as much as going to school, and it´s even worse if you happen to have chosen to work in a school!

You have to do things like pay bills and rent, wash clothes and clean the house!

Why don´t we wake up one day with all the knowledge that we thought our parents had? Maybe they did know everything and our generation - the millennials - we´re the stupid ones who don´t know how to grow up, maybe we really are the Peter Pan generation, or maybe, just maybe, our parents were blagging their way through adulthood too and we never realised...

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